Monday, January 3, 2011

Remedial packing options for Gutkha in India

Dear Readers,

The Supreme Court of India has  promulgated an order prohibiting Gutkha manufacturers to pack & sell gutkha in plastic sachet from 1st March, 2011 onwards. The remarkable point is that the quantum of Gutkha being sold in sachet (plastic pack) is substatial in it's overall sales volume. This would cause a massive loss to annual business of Rs.2500 crore of Gutkha Industry if they dont get the option in time.

No worries, I've got the option for them. Any guesses.....................


Well, it can be packed in cheap silver.................yes.........the "Aluminum Foil".

Yes, aluminum foil. But why aluminum foil??????????????

Aluminum foil is the best option because:

It's has tremendous features like shining & strength to replace plastic pack overnight.
It's Cheap. Remember, when a pack of 10 tablets is price ranging from as lower as Rs.2/-, the price may go up as higher as Rs.1000/- if different 10 tabs are available in the same pack. This clearly denotes that it's not the cost of packing (in aluminum foil) that varies but the cost of tablets. Even in a Rs.2/- pack of 10-tablets when the drug company recovers the overall cost and profit as well from the customer, it's packing cost remains very negligible.

Afterall, what makes aluminum foil as the best option to plastic packs:
 Aluminum is the most abundant metallic source. This means there is always lots of it, and it is relatively easy to get. Both aluminum and plastic do not degrade, good for things that need to last long. Aluminum is stronger by itself, without needing other materials added into it. But plastic can have glass and steel fused into it, to make it as strong as a rock, while still relatively light. There is also the fact of the aluminum being a good insulator. Plastic is more versatile, because it can be strong, heavy, or light. They can both keep food from spoiling, but plastic can be translucent, allowing it to be seen from outside. Aluminum foil also can bend easy, and isn’t molded, which means it can’t hold soup or other liquids, while plastic can. This makes plastic used more commonly in the household, because it is better.

Outside of the household, aluminum is better. Aluminum is relatively light, and is still strong. It is good for bridges, vehicles, bikes, and many other things. It is also used in silverware. Aluminum is the most commonly used conductor of energy at 700000 volts or more. While it only has 63% of the conductivity, it weighs half as much, and if you use a little less than twice as much is works out better for you. Aluminum is used in pop cans. Pop cans are so common, there wouldn’t be enough plastic to make them all. Aluminum is easily recycled, while plastic is hard to recycle, because of the many different types of it.

Effects on the Environment

You must also take into consideration the environment effects of both aluminum and plastic. Aluminum definitely wins here. First of all, aluminum is recycled so much easier. Aluminum is also easy to find, and there’s lots of it. Unlike plastic, which is made from fossil fuels (oil, coal). Fossil fuels are already depleting, and once they are all used up we are in trouble. There is no way to currently get rid of plastic. If you burn it, it creates poisonous gases. It doesn’t decompose, and it nothing eats plastic. This is a growing problem around the world. Scientists are working on making decomposable plastic. Aluminum can be made into other aluminum easily, because there aren’t many forms of aluminum. An example would be with pop cans. You see pop can recycling bins everywhere. Pop cans get recycled over and over.

 Thus, I believe alumium foil will be the best option to plastic packs for gutkha after 1st March, 2011 in India.

 Stay tuned for lot more new business ideas like this............